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Expert Resource Professionals are dedicated to increase the profitability and business success of our clients. We have successfully assisted mid-sized companies and fortune 500 organizations in automating and integrating mission-critical areas of their businesses. Our key areas of expertise include IT staffing, enterprise resource planning, software project implementation, and business process management.

Initially known as a pure Non-IT organization, Expert Resource Professionals has expanded its field of experts to include IT to efficiently manage IT costs and/or mitigate the risks inherent in evolving technologies. Core areas of expertise within our IT Solutions Division include application development, application support and maintenance, re-engineering, IT outsourcing and co-sourcing, systems integration, and migration, as well as testing and quality assurance.

Today, our company is uniquely poised to handle the exploding volume of outsource and staff augmentation projects being pursued by businesses focused on internal efficiencies and global cost-management strategies. India delivers high quality software and business services to customers worldwide. Expert Resource Professionals provide the process-driven business solutions for our worldwide customer base.

Expert Resource Professionals has consistently measured our success through customer satisfaction, retention, and value delivered. We strive for excellence in all that we do. Our enduring reputation has allowed us to maintain a 99 percent business rate. Expert RP’s outstanding company performance and reputation are based on a client-centric culture, strong relationships, and acuminate focus on quality and delivery.